Experiencing the Bible One Character at a Time…

Where God Finds You by Anita Higman
Where God Finds You by Anita Higman

 Have you every wanted to slip into the minds and bodies of Biblical characters? Do you yearn to breathe and fully experience scripture and the impact of Christ’s presence? Now, you, the avid reader of all things faith-oriented, have the opportunity to do just this.

Where God Finds You by Anita Higman
Where God Finds You by Anita Higman

Anita Higman’s recent release Where God Finds You invites you into the pages of the Bible and its many powerful experiences as perceived by a myriad of characters who were present in the time of Christ’s life on this Earth. The book explores each figure’s specific story and pairs this narrative account with an actual passage from scripture. The format is powerful and informative, and a plethora of characters and a range of experiences are there for you to discover in this inspirational, faith-driven collection. Ester, John the Baptist, Lazarus, Mary Magdalen—they are all there along with many more. Over forty characters’ accounts serve as the foundation of the piece, which lends itself to close study and careful consideration. One additional aspect of the book you might find helpful is the inclusion of questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. These questions encourage the reader to actually take something from each account and apply these lessons to his or her own life.

Award-winning and best-selling author Anita Higman delivers an empowering and rewarding collection of tales lifted straight from the pages of the Bible. Higman does not exclusively write faith-oriented works (though it often plays some part in each of her works), but her own strong faith has compelled her to share her devotion to God and Christ’s teaching through this well-crafted piece, which is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible’s characters as they existed in the time of Christ. If you are ready to learn about more than forty different Bible characters this season, then look no further then Anita Higman’s Where God Finds You: 40 Devotions Bringing Bible Characters to Life. This title is now available in bookstores everywhere. For those of you interested in learning more about the author and this specific title, refer to the following web address: http://anitahigman.com/.

Disclaimer: Some blogs are paid for by a third party client, but the books are indeed read and all opinions are that of the reader.