Stephen Hawking Superhero in New Graphic Novel


Stephen Hawking, the legendary physicist will be making his debut as a graphic novel superhero. The 71 year old scientist considered by many as the greatest mind since Albert Einstein, will have his life and ideas immortalized in comic book form.

Sure to be filled with quantum theory, relativity and black holes – “Stephen Hawking: Riddles of Time & Space” will be released from Bluewater Productions, is written by Michael Lent & Brian McCarthy, interior art by Zach Bassett, and cover art by Robert Aragon.

“I learned a lot from reading the script and doing the research for the issue. The very concept of making an engaging comic book where the protagonist is essentially immobile is a pretty tall order, but I think the key to us keeping it exciting was being able to get inside his mind (one of the greatest of our time) and show some of his most abstract concepts in a visual and dynamic way. Additionally, we got several chances to tip our hat to many famous artistic icons of pop culture, as well as famous people that he’s met, taken inspiration from or even inspired himself. He truly is a living legend, and I was honored to be able to illustrate his life in comic book form,” said artist Zach Bassett.

Stephen Hawking: Riddles of Time & Space” is an “illustrated version of his life story.”