Reader’s Entertainment Radio Presents: Andrew Peterson


You Never Forget Your First Kill – The Nathan McBride series by Andrew Peterson and with his 4th novel out entitled Ready to Kill you can bet the excitement is building.  Andrew took time out of his vacation at Disneyland to stop by and chat with us about his new release.  There may be some things you didn’t know about the popular author so listen in and check out the show by clicking on the book cover.



Ready to Kill blurb-

When a mysterious note referencing a top-secret US operation is tossed over the wall of the embassy in Nicaragua, Nathan McBride and his old pal Harv are called out of retirement by CIA Director Rebecca Cantrell and sent to Central America. Cantrell wants the situation resolved quickly and knows that Nathan is the man to do it; after all, he has a history with the place. The jungle he and Harv are about to land in is the same one that Nathan barely escaped with his life decades before, an ordeal that left him physically and psychologically scarred. To make it out alive a second time, Nathan will have to face down his own demons and square off with a ruthless killer who learned from the best, Nathan himself.


About Andrew Peterson

Andrew Peterson was born and raised in San Diego, California and graduated from the University of Oklahoma.  He has won multiple awards for excellence in marksmanship and holds the classification of Master in the NRA’s High Power Riffle ranking system.

He began writing in 1990 publishing a short story in 1992 and his first novel, First to Kill, published in 2008.  His series grew in popularity soon after it was picked up by publisher Thomas & Mercer and First to Kill was optioned by Hollywood in 2010.

Andrew spends a great deal of time and effort on research for his novels.  He also volunteers to visit soldiers both at home and abroad visiting VA hospitals and giving away hundreds of books to soldiers.  He participated in the International Thriller Writer’s 2011 USO Tour flying halfway across the world to thank and acknowledge service men and woman abroad.

Andrew Peterson
Andrew Peterson

You can also find Andrew on Twitter at @APetersonNovels and on Facebook at


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