Reader’s Entertainment Radio Presents: Catherine Ryan Hyde

Paw It Forward, LLC

It was such an inspiration to have three incredible women on the show this evening that are truly making a difference in the world for both young people and dog lovers alike!

I had the pleasure of chatting with Pay It Forward’s best-selling author, Catherine Ryan Hyde.  Catherine was inspired to write Paw It Forward by her real-life dogs Jessie and Ella. Through this true story, Catherine teaches kids the concept of Paw It Forward through Ella’s adventures, and Ella inspires kids to change the world through kindness!

Catherine and ELLA 2
Catherine Ryan Hyde and Ella










Click on Catherine and Ella to listen to the Podcast!

Paw It Forward!
Paw It Forward!

Cara Warren is the lady behind Paw It Forward LLC, was also on hand to talk about her company and the exciting things they are doing for young people, dog lovers, and the community.

We also had Jaclyn, a 2nd grade teacher join us this evening.  Jaclyn was on hand to provide some great feedback on how Paw It Forward enriched the lives of her students in very inspirational ways.


I hope everyone out there will be inspired by Paw It Forward!  You can check out the website at!