Publisher Launches ‘Cultural Website’


glomGlommable – an innovative new ‘cultural website’ devoted to the ‘best-of’ from authors, creators and Internet personalities. Created by Simon & Schuster’s Touchstone imprint, Glommable provides video interviews, original content and quizzes.


Features of the new site will include, “Glom O’ The Week” featuring a web creator, and ‘Lit Wiz’ highlighting literary polls, quizzes, and book battles.

Here’s more in Glommable’s own words:

Today more than ever, bloggers, vloggers, artists, and tweeters are pushing the boundaries of content sharing on the web. Their rabid audiences are hungry for more—more stories, more details, more illustrations, more THEM. And these content creators are responding by bringing their online material to fans new and old in the form of print books and ebooks, where they have hundreds of pages to expand, riff, draw, explore, and grow. From bookstores to other retailers, from YouTube to Goodreads to Reddit to Tumblr, readers today are everywhere, discovering, sharing, tweeting, pinning, liking, and generally devouring content they love on any platform or device they can.

GLOMMABLE is the one place online that brings the internet’s most forward-thinking content creators together with not only the world of book publishing, but also all the smart, savvy readers who want more from their favorite authors. Run by the staff of Touchstone Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, GLOMMABLE will give readers direct access to and original content from the internet personalities and authors that fans love most. With features including “Glom O’ The Week” (a weekly focused featured on our favorite internet personality), “Glomtacular” (a web celebrity’s pop culture diet), “Lit Wiz” (polls, book battles, quizzes, and more, all with a literary bent), and more, GLOMMABLE seeks to bring the worlds of self-published content and traditional book publishing together. GLOM ON.