New York ComicCon 2015: A Recap


With over 150,000 attendees pouring into New York’s Javitz Center for one of the largest ComicCons in the United States the convention offered ambitious events within the event with panels, premieres, celebrities, COS play, comics, toys and fun both expected and unexpected.


Exhibitors represented every kind of entertainment from movies to toys to books and comics.  Events included meet-ups for fandoms such as Supernatural, Doctor Who, Daredevil and  pretty much any pop culture tribe one could imagine.  Premiers included the first episode of the new television show Ash vs Evil Dead which starts on October 31st, an as-yet seen episode of Doctor Who and many, many first-time trailers were shows.  Panels discussed diversity in comics, women in comics, highlighted comic publishers such as DC Comics, Dynamite and Dark Horse.  Panels highlighted top and new television shows such as From Dusk Till Dawn, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Ash vs Evil Dead, Pretty Little Liars and that is just the start of the long list of panels.IMG_1250 Celebrities were on hand for pictures and autographs including ComicCon favorite Nathan Fillion, Felicia Day, Jennifer Morrison, Gina Torres,  and groupings such as Teen Wolf, Brimstone and Firefly.  Sadly, Billie Piper of Doctor Who fame cancelled, which has become a chronic issue with the star.IMG_1215IMG_1140

Orlando Jones of Sleepy Hollow, Evolution and The Replacements
Orlando Jones of Sleepy Hollow, Evolution and The Replacements

Costumes and COS play reigned this year with every genre represented and lots of mix-and-match genre costumes.  Attendees dressed for fun, for prizes, for photo ops with simple costumes and extremely complex ones. Social media exploded throughout the event generating 831 million potential impressions in a single day with top shows being the focus of online chatter.  On the 11th the top ranked television programs overall were: #1.  The Walking Dead #2.  Shadowhunters #3.  Doctor Who #4.  Teen Wolf #5.  Jessica Jones The top talk on Facebook was- #1.  The Walking Dead #2.  Doctor Who #3.  Ash vs. Evil Dead   The top shared films included: #1.  Star Wars: The Force Awakens #2.  Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice #3.  Goosebumps #4.  Deadpool #5.  Suicide Squad   Top superheroes discussed online included: #1.  Batman #2.  Superman #3.  Avengers #4.  The Flash #5.  Spider-man   Whether people were talking on social media, wearing costumes, attending panels, meeting celebs or finding new toys or books everyone appeared engaged and entertained.  Families, fans, COS players, of all ages and representing all genres added to the overall excitement and success of this year’s New York ComicCon.IMG_1360 IMG_1218