Wordplay Podcasts from Kristine Raymond Presents SANDRA BROWN


word playIf you would’ve told me a year ago that I’d be adding the designation ‘Podcasting Host’ to my resume, I’d have laughed out loud and asked what you were drinking.  Yet, here I am, on the cusp of my one-year anniversary as the host of Word Play with Kristine Raymond, a podcast created to promote books and give listeners insight into their favorite authors, proudly wearing the title.

As with most of my ideas, this one began on a whim.  Not adept at tooting my own horn, I’m a brass band when it comes to promoting others and wanted to do something beyond the typical author interview blog.  I wanted pizzazz; a venture that included the authors I was promoting.  I’d tried my hand at a daily newsletter (Kangaroo Reads) and a YouTube channel (First Pages) but neither made the impact I’d hoped.  And then it came to me – why not start a podcast? 

To say I knew nothing about the process is an understatement, but I plowed ahead, breathing life into my wild notion, and on Head shot squareOctober 31, 2018, Word Play with Kristine Raymond made its debut.  I’ll admit, I wondered if the show would last a month, but now at close to 100 episodes and having had the honor of chatting with both indie and traditionally published authors from the United States and abroad, some of which are New York Times and USA Today bestsellers, my doubts have fled.  Downloaded in over 30 countries and streamed on platforms such as Apple, Google, iHeartRadio, Spotify, CastBox, Podbean, and Radio Public, and accessible through Alexa, Word Play is undoubtedly a hit!  And I was worried…lol.

If you haven’t yet listened, I encourage you to give it a try.  The format goes beyond the usual Q&A; instead, you’ll be treated to casual conversations between host (that’d be me) and guests, with topics ranging from books and writing, to hobbies, travel, family, and pretty much anything else that comes up.  Oh, and be prepared for lots of laughter.

brownAuthor Kristine Raymond presents her super-popular WORDPLAY PODCAST this week’s guest is bestselling author SANDRA BROWN. 


Sandra Brown – author of 70 NYT bestselling novels including Friction, Seeing Red, and TAILSPIN.

Don’t forget to visit Sandra Brown’s Website

You can listen to the podcast on any of the following or simply follow the link above.

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-1-guest-cj-baty/id1440408142?i=1000422706395 https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93b3JkcGxheXdpdGhrcmlzdGluZXJheW1vbmQucG9kYmVhbi5jb20vZmVlZC54bWw%3D&episode=d29yZHBsYXl3aXRoa3Jpc3RpbmVyYXltb25kLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2VwaXNvZGUtMS1ndWVzdC1jai1iYXR5LTIyNzJlM2NiNjVjNGY0MzZmZWUxNTg3OWZiOGM3NmVi https://wordplaywithkristineraymond.podbean.com/e/episode-1-guest-cj-baty/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-Word-Play-with-Kristine-Ra-30291630/episode/episode-1-guest-cj-baty-30291659/ https://castbox.fm/episode/Episode-1-Guest-CJ-Baty-id1468564-id98148417


https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ucizXASBESaXOJgPZ6el6 https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/word-play-with-kristine-raymond/e/57041059 https://radiopublic.com/word-play-with-kristine-raymond-G7q0Kp/ep/s1!5b32f https://tunein.com/podcasts/Arts--Culture-Podcasts/Word-Play-with-Kristine-Raymond-p1175571/?topicId=126632441 https://overcast.fm/+PRiXphDb0