Sheltering In With Desiree Holt


Desiree_authorphotoSheltering In With Desiree Holt

Hi, everyone

Hope you all are staying safe and not going stir crazy. I live alone, although my wonderful son made sure I was loaded up with enough supplies to last for two months! Since I live by myself it hasn’t been too big a change, although I do miss getting out and seeing my friends. But I Skype or Facetime with my kids, which helps.

So what have I been doing?

Well, first of all, since my exercise class at the Y is obviously cancelled, I was lucky that Alan, in charge of the classes, made this great video so we can follow along. I set up my iPad every morning and exercise for 45 minutes. At least it gets my blood flowing, right? And my cats love to line up and watch, praying I don’t make them do it with me.

I’ve been getting a lot of writing done. Working on the first book in a new series, Galaxy. I have three cats and my smallest one, Bast, has declared herself my co-author. You can see how she takes her place on the desk! And also giving you a glimpse of my Bast at computerwork area, which has a lot of memorabilia on the shelves—souvenirs from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!), gifts from wonderful readers and friends, and copies of all the books IMG_0847I’ve written that made it into print.

I’ve also been binge watching television especially old movies. I’ve seen Sleepless in Seattle seven times, Rear window twice, Clear and Present Danger eight times. (I think I’m in love with Harrison Ford.)  Pretty soon I’ll have the dialogue memorized. I also binge watched the first two seasons of Chicago Fire, most of which I somehow missed, and now I am watching twelve seasons of Heartland. Who knew it was such a great series? And with hunky guys, too!

My wonderful friend, former SEAL Jack Carr, released his third best seller so Mitch Rapp the Bear (named after a Vince Flynn character) and I read the book.

Spending a fair amount of time on social media, but love keeping in touch with people.

For the past eleven years I have paid little attention to what I fed myself, opting for the easiest to just shove in my mouth and fill my stomach so I didn’t starve. But now I am actually experimenting with different recipes and finding that I am enjoying it. Well, sort of! LOL!

I also play music on my iPad (I have Amazon Prime as well as iTunes) and I can sing along as loud as I want. Why is thisPAKW Tactical Gear Giveaway graphic so special? Because my voice is so offkey, when my kids were very young and I’d sing they’d run around the house with their hands over their ears and say, “Mommy please don’t sing.” You should hear me belt out “Do you know the way to San Jose?”

In the midst of it all, I had a dental emergency. BY the time I was properly dressed to go out I felt like an extra in Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman.


Oh, and I also released a new book, ZERO HOUR, Book #2, Heroes Rising. Available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

So stay safe, wash your hands, and know that this, too, shall pass.

Desiree Holt