BOOK REVIEW: “Act of War” by Brad Thor


Act of War” by Brad Thor

A meeting between a CIA agent and his informant in Hong Kong leads to a shocking discovery.

China has instituted a new form of warfare, unrestricted warfare, and the first victim will be the United States.

In fact……”Snow Dragon” has already started, and the U.S. needs to stop it before millions die.

CIA intelligence has identified a man, Amad Yaquib, who they think is the person recruiting the team for snow dragon and also that China is training operatives for snow dragon in North Korea.

With this scanty intelligence data, the President has given the green light to two counter-operations:

Blackbird and Gold Dust.

One will land a 4 man team of SEALS in North Korea to see if they can figure out what snow dragon is all about, and the other will send Scot Harvath, Sloane, and Chase to grab Yaquib.

With the fate of the United States at stake, Harvath……

Oh, to find out what happens, you will have to read the book. 🙂

“Act of War” is a fast furious read with a twist at the end that will blow your socks off!

For those who read this series, Nicolas (the Troll), Argos, and Draco don’t show up until page 237!
