Book Review: “Treasure State” by C.J. Box


Book Review: “Treasure State” by C.J. Box

With these words regarding the new intern Cassie has hired…..two worlds collide, and I LOVE it! 🙂

“Cassie nodded. April came from a small mountain town in north-central Wyoming called Saddlestring. She found the name charming.”

Cassie Dewell, ex-cop is now enjoying success as a private investigator in Bozeman, Montana. Her son Ben is now 16, and her hippy mother, Isabel, helps out the best she can in the offices of Dewell Investigations.

Cassie has even hired an intern, April.

Plot #1

Two years ago a “poet” broke into a restaurant, Sir Scott’s Oasis in Manhattan Montana, and wrote a poem on the steak house’s whiteboard that was said to lead to a treasure chest of gold.

Since then, 5 people have died looking for the treasure, and one old, well, young, friend of Cassie’s from North Dakota is still looking: Kyle Westergaard.

A little over a month ago, Cassie got a call from the supposed author of the poem who offered to pay her to find him.

He sent the required payments and Cassie started looking for him…..

Plot #2

A private investigator from Florida, J.D. Spengler is hot on the trail of a con-man who has, as far as he knows, bilked several rich widows of nearly $20 million dollars.

Spengler has tracked this con-man to Anaconda, Montana.

And……is never heard from again…….

Cassie was hired by Spengler’s last client to find out what happened to Spengler, but more importantly, to pick up trying to find the man who conned her out of $5 million.


The two plot lines (three if you count Kyle separately) collide….

And….as C.J. Box says:

Everything goes western……..

“Treasure State” is absolutely fantastic! A short book of only 274 hardcover pages, it is fast, and furious, with twists and turns that will leave you dizzy.

And the appearance of April, adopted daughter of the Pickett’s, is ASTOUNDING!

I can’t wait to find out what happens in the next book.

Can we say, Nate?! 🙂