Sneak Peek: Universe of Lost Messages by Janet Stilson


Universe of Lost Messages by Janet Stilson
(Available for pre-order)

What if your child has extraordinary powers of charisma and can get people to do almost anything? What happens if the child is abducted?

Izzie and Tristan were never mere humans. They are Charismites, with almost god-like powers of magnetism. They couldn’t be more different. Izzie is a reckless, playful megastar whose popularity far exceeds that of any other celebrity. Tristan is a secluded nature lover, almost completely unknown to anyone beyond a protective biodome.

Their worlds explode when they are abducted by The Fist, a power-hungry political group with a master plan to control the hearts and minds of all people on Earth and satellite colonies beyond.

But the plan only works with the help of Charismites.

Tristan and Izzie’s families will do anything to find them. But they don’t have much to go on until a feisty, street-wise teen, Cheeta, discovers clues about the Charismites within a strange metaverse filled with millions of missing messages. But will they actually find them? And can they destroy The Fist before they take over the planet?

Filled with an eclectic cast of characters, a slow-burn romance, humor, and wonderful descriptions of a sensual and sometimes violent world, UNIVERSE OF LOST MESSAGES is a gripping new sci-fi thriller, filled with political intrigue.

Advance Praise:

“With Universe of Lost Messages Stilson shows herself to be one of the very best of new SF writers. This is a terrific thriller but it’s also a deeply incisive political novel, holding up a mirror to our celebrity-obsessed culture. The dangers Stilson writes about are set in the future, but they may be just around the corner. An original, vibrant, entertaining, and thrilling work of fiction.” – Jonathan Oliver, former editor-in-chief of Solaris Books, author of The Language of Beasts
Publishers Weekly called The Juice, Janet Stilson’s debut science fiction novel, “an energetic vision of a dystopian near- future America … This cyberpunk adventure delivers plenty of future tech and social commentary to please genre fans.” Booklist praised this novel as “ambitious and genre-bending, blending cyberpunk, espionage, romance and social


Janet Stilson writes scripts, novels and short stories that largely fall in the sci- fi and fantasy genres and illuminate the human condition in provocative ways.

Her work has been selected to be part of the Writers’ Lab for Women, which is funded by Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman. And it’s also been published by the esteemed sci-fi literary magazine Asimov’s.

As a journalist, Janet got her “chops” at the storied showbiz bible Variety. She has traveled the world, chronicling the business of media. Learn more on, or connect with her on Instagram @janetstilson and Facebook at @authorjanetstilson.