New Novel Exposes the Dangers of Deepfakes and Social Media


Today’s teenagers have the power to change reality


Attorney and author Felicia Farber releases her new young adult novel FAKE OUT on the dangerous ramifications of mixing artificial intelligence (AI) with social media. FAKE OUT shines a spotlight on the risks inherent in teenagers’ online lives and the large chasm between what’s real and what can be altered via technology. The use of AI and machine learning to manipulate videos called deepfakes has made it difficult if not impossible to discern what video footage is real. Moreover, cutting-edge tools that can alter photos and videos—two of our most powerful mediums of communication—are now accessible to the average person.

Farber shares her legal expertise on electronic bullying and harassment to make teenagers, parents, and educators aware that generative AI and synthetic media are catapulting our society into a scary new realm where deepfakes can be used as tools for the ultimate cyberbullying. With rapid advancements in technology, our laws are lagging behind and currently fail to adequately protect us from the chaos created by synthetic media and manipulated images.

“We are all susceptible to weaponized AI and Fake Out illustrates the catastrophic impact the latest technological advancements can have on teens and people of all ages,” says Farber. “Most deepfakes are of females, but my book shows that males are vulnerable too.”

FAKE OUT is a stand-alone sequel to the award-winning novel ICE QUEEN about sexting and cyberbullying, and has received excellent reviews: “A smart, sexy warning about the dangers of technology for teens and adults alike”- KIRKUS. “Fake Out deserves accolades for advocating digital literacy while examining the often-muddy ethical dimensions of AI technology” – BOOKLIFE.

About the Author: Felicia Farber is an attorney, engineer, and author in North Jersey who writes contemporary young adult novels about the impact of technology on today’s teens.

For more information on the novel and electronic harassment visit: