At the Desk: James Rollins

A beautiful anique typewriter on display

A Look Into the Life and Office of James Rollins

Penny and Pie are always there to help!
A beautiful display in front of the fireplace

Walking into the office of James (call me “Jim”) Rollins my first impression is warmth.  It’s not just the beautiful fireplace in the corner or the beautiful view of sunshine out the large windows. There’s an overall inviting feel to his office. The warm wood panel walls with gorgeous trim and the lovely wood desk certainly reflect the author’s warm personality, but it’s the small things that add to that overall feeling of warmth.

I am immediately attracted to an antique typewriter in the room. I have three in my own office, but not one like this. My eyes are then drawn to vast library. Walls made of bookshelves. Is this heaven? So many books!

I see personal nick knacks like an Indiana Jones hat and whip high up on a shelf, a crystal skull and then I see something that seals the deal for me. This is the best office ever! Comic books and graphic novels? Who knew?! Yes, James Rollins loves super heroes.

Antique typewriter on display

Rollins is a graphic novel fan!

I see books by his own favorites such as George R.R. Martin, Michael Crichton, Doc Savage, Anne Rice, Cory Doctorow, Stephen King, and some of his personal friends such as Steve Berry, Douglas Preston and Jon Land.  It strikes me as interesting that he has books by his contemporaries on a bookshelf that is prominent in his office. It’s refreshing to find an author who is proud of and for his friends as much as for himself.

The Desk of James Rollins
The Desk of James Rollins

The office is beautiful, personal, warm and practical.  There are hints of humor and just a little bit of  “geeky” (hence the comics, graphic novels and fun Indiana Jones paraphernalia). Then Jim tips the scales when he tells me he loves the movie “Shawn of the Dead” and I’m convinced I’ve found the coolest author around.

Though the office is lovely and he does a good deal of research there, he does a lot of writing in his home as well, where his two dogs can lay next to him on the couch or at his feet while he sits and writes from a comfy chair using his laptop.

Whether he’s in his official office, or his unofficial one surrounded by adoring dogs, James Rollins’ “desk” is warm, comfy and inspiring.  Now we want to know, where do you come up with such dire and dangerous storylines when you’re surrounded by so much happiness? lol

What a fun work area!

Interesting Collections

Notice the antique dog collar?
A nice corner shelf in the office

What's on your bookself?