Behind the Words: Author Nancy Naigle


UTG COVER digitalThis week, Reader’s Entertainment welcomes bestselling author Nancy Naigle to share her world Behind the Words. Welcome Nancy, tell us a bit about yourself. Where you’re from, where you live? Do you have one of those day-jobs?

I was born and raised in Virginia Beach. When my husband passed away two years ago from a very short fight with lung cancer I packed up and moved from our 80-acre goat farm in Drewryville, VA to a little town just outside of Winston-Salem, NC. Now my momma lives with me, and the location was perfect because it’s just a couple of miles from my aunt.

At the same time I moved, I took an early retirement from my day job as an SVP with Bank of America. I write full-time now.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing seriously when I turned 40. (You’re doing math aren’t you…?…I’m 53.) It was one of those moments where you suddenly realize there’s probably less life ahead of you than behind you. I realized I’d spent most of my time working that day job. I wanted to do something that would make a difference. The authors books that had helped me through troubled times in my life have always held a special place in my heart. Those books were the best gifts I’d ever received from someone I didn’t know. That inspired me to finish my first book. My first book was published in 2011. That was Sweet Tea and Secrets.

Briefly describe your writing day.

I keep a pretty flexible schedule during the day. I love being able to take advantage of a pretty day by taking my Mom out to lunch, or for some girl time together getting mani/pedi’s.

I get my best writing time in the afternoon before dinner and late at night.

Tell us about your latest release?  

On May 24th, UNDER THE GUN, the fourth book in The Granny Series (now being shifted to The G-Team – read it and you’ll know why!) I co-authored with Kelsey Browning is my latest book. I love writing that series. It’s so much fun, and the characters have all continued to grow which keeps it interesting every book. They bring me such joy. I hope they bring y’all joy too. That series is also available in large print and stays in the TOP 10 -> Large Print/ Mystery & Thrillers. We’re very proud of that, and a series that is loved by people of all ages.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

My characters are always fictitious. But since most of my books end up series, they do seem to be like real friends after a while!

Where did you get the idea?

Most of my ideas just come out of my imaginations. But The Granny Series is another story. A fun one, in fact.  Here’s the scoop…

We didn’t so much as decide on it as it decided on us. In early 2012, we were attending the Romantic Times conference in Chicago. Often at events like that, writer roommates invariably stay up late chatting about their latest projects, the industry, and chocolate. Since we’re both Southern gals, we also talked about our home states and our families.

One of Kelsey’s family stories was about a (hypothetical) threat her mom made against a former family member. Of course, it was all a joke, but they decided Kelsey’s mom would have to be the one to make good on the (hypothetical) threat because in prison, she’d get three square meals a day and free health care. Besides, Kelsey looks horrible in orange.

We laughed and laughed about that silly story. But in the morning, I woke up and said, “Kelsey, think we should write that book.” By the end of the weekend, we’d brainstormed a variety of scenarios and laughed until we cried. But the idea stuck, and we began plotting the story that would become In For a Penny.  Now the series is 4 novels strong, plus we have two romance novellas that follow the love story of the Sheriff in Summer Shoals.

Join the grannies and us on their many adventures! Oh, and y’all can take a quiz to see which of the gals you’re most like at

Would you share one detail from your current release with readers that they might not find in the book?

Yes…in fact readers are going to have some fun catching outtakes and stories Kelsey and I are telling one each other in a series of videos that will be on our The Granny Series YouTube channel soon. Sign up for my newsletter on my website to be one of the first to hear when they are released. Here’s one tidbit for you though.

When you read UNDER THE GUN and you get t the part where Marcus has something hidden in his trunk…it will NOT be giant Raggedy Andy dolls. Hahahah…sometimes Kelsey and I do have to negotiate a change or two…and that got voted off the island. I think you’ll like what we came up with instead. 😉

If you could be one of your characters for a day which character would it be? Why? 

I’d be Kasey Phillips. You might remember her from my Adams Grove series in Out of Focus and in Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies. Why? Because then I’d be in the arms of Cody Tuggle, of course!! He is my absolute favorite hero.

What are you working on now? 

I’m on deadline for another Christmas novel for St. Martin’s Press. My first one for them will be out on October 18th. It’s called Christmas Joy. Available for pre-order now.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

I have so many favorites, but one book that settled into my heart so much that I keep it face out on my bookshelf is Time Is A River by Mary Alice Monroe.  It’s a lovely story of overcoming obstacles and new beginnings.  That story left me with hope. If I can do that with my writing, for even one reader…then I’m a happy gal.

Do you have a secret talent readers would be surprised by?

I’m such an open book, I’m not sure there are any secrets about me! Everyone knows about the goat farm, so that’s not a secret. Talents…well, I did win some awards for my art as a young girl, and I still exercise those talents on occasion. I am an expert at digitizing custom designs for commercial embroidery. It’s quite a challenge to create a design with stitches. I don’t do it as much as I used to, but it’s fun and you’ll see my work on my own swag from time to time.

Your favorite go to drink or food when the world goes crazy!

Choc Iced Kreme Filled Krispy Kreme Doughnuts make the world fade away. Might be a sugar coma…but it works!

What is the one question you never get asked at interviews, but wish you did? Ask and answer it.

I guess trying to get what’s coming out next is always hard in an interview. Especially at times like this when my last release was a year ago when Sand Dollar Cove came out.

I have three releases at the end of the year…

May 24th    UNDER THE GUN – Book 4 The Granny Series

Aug 30th    EVERY YESTERDAY  – Book 2 Boot Creek Novels

Oct 18th      CHRISTMAS JOY  – A Heartwarming Christmas Novel

I hope y’all will help me spread the word. Hugs and happy reading.

Until next time… Read. Relax. Repeat.®


Thank you so much Nancy, for sharing a bit of your writing world with us today. Here’s a little blurb from her latest release Under The Gun:

When Hollywood A-listers swarm Bartell County for a celebrity funeral, Miss Lillian takes in a temporary houseguest. After all, Abby Ruth is away and her room is sitting empty. She’ll never be the wiser. But after the charming visitor leaves, Abby Ruth’s adored arsenal has also vamoosed.

Lil, Maggie, and Sera are in one hot mess trying to find the guns before Abby Ruth gets back. And when Abby Ruth divulges a heartbreaking secret, her friends are more determined than ever to catch the culprit themselves.

Only this time the gals have crossed the line into deeper, more dangerous territory than ever before. Will they recover Abby Ruth’s guns, or will they find themselves buried in a heap of trouble?

You can learn more about Nancy and her books online at: