Farewell to a friend: Kate Duffy remembered


One of the icons of the Romance genre passed away this week. For those who don’t know her, Kate was most recently an editor for Kensington. But, Kate worked in publishing for many, many years and for several publishers.
I knew Kate. And though her death is such a loss for so many, and to an entire industry, it is her life we will all celebrate and remember.
Kate had a no-nonsense attitude and told it like it is. So the first time she sent me an email telling me how much she loved one of the videos I’d worked on I was so thrilled that I actually kept the email and have it still.
She had a wicked sense of humor, sometimes a dead-pan delivery that I loved. The last time I saw her she insisted that I sit down with her so she could show me how great her Kindle was and all the things she could do with it. Her exuberance for anything related to reading or books was contagious.
Kate will be missed. Kate will be remembered.
If you would like to read a tribute to Kate here are some sites-
Publisher’s Weekly

Smart Bitches

Borders True Romance