RT Booklovers Convention – Staying Home, but Still There


April 4, 2011 Los Angeles

Sheila Clover English

You don’t have to make the trip to Los Angeles to participate in the huge RT Booklover’s Convention.  All this week there are opportunities to live vicariously through bloggers, reporters, podcasters and attendees!

Starting Wednesday several media personnel from Reader’s Entertainment will be blogging, reporting, podcasting, Tweeting and videotaping throughout the day!

Of course there’s a lot of swag at the convention and a lot of books, but you’ll still be able to win some great prizes right from the comfort of your own home!

Each day there will be new articles go up throughout the day. You can comment on everything that goes up! Each comment is entered into the drawing that will happen on Sunday for various prizes including a Kindle!

Other prizes include books, gift baskets and a Swag Bag that is full of RT swag! When winners are chosen they will be chosen in order number 1 through 5. The first person will be able to choose the prize they want, then the second person and so on until all the prizes are gone!

So be sure to comment often! Comments must be original and pertain to the subject being discussed by the author of the article. Comments that appear as SPAM may be disqualified.

This is open worldwide unless expressly forbidden by local, regional or other laws that affect the commenter.

We hope you’ll come often and comment!