The Life Book Movement!

Life Book

The Life Book Movement has big plans for the 2011-12 school year.

Life BookPrinting is underway for 1.2 million Life Books, and half of those have already been spoken for. Don’t miss your chance to let the churches in your area know how they can get involved in this fall.


What is the Life Book Movement? Founded by The Gideons International, The Life Book Movement is an innovative strategy to reach high school students with the Word of God. The movement is a Christian mission centered on The Life Book, a unique presentation of Scripture designed to engage high school students with the truth of God’s Word, created by Carl Blunt, president and CEO of The Life Book Movement. The Life Book presents a brief overview of the Old Testament and the Book of John using an interactive format with honest student comments and real-life questions in the margins. Readers are drawn into the only story that can change their lives forever.

The Life Book Movement works with churches throughout the country by providing free copies of The Life Book for students to give as gifts to their friends and classmates during school. Blunt’s organization brilliantly takes advantage of a student’s freedom to distribute religious literature by getting The Life Book into the hands of Christian high school students and having them pass the books out to classmates at school—a practice that is acceptable, as long as the books are not distributed by school staff or other adults. In less than two years since the Life Book Movement got it’s start, over half a million Life Books have been distributed and the movement is growing by leaps and bounds.

Summer is almost here, but now is the time to think about mobilizing your students to reach their classmates this fall.  Don’t miss out!  1.2 Million students will be reached with God’s Word in the coming school year and we want Christian students in your area to reach them.  If you wait until the fall, you may be too late – books are being spoken for every day.

A full online version of The Life Book is available for you to take a closer look at by clicking here.

For review copy and interview information, contact:
Audra Jennings
Senior Media Specialist
The B&B Media Group
1-800-927-0517 Ext. 104 –  ajennings(at)

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