Romance Writers of America Convention Great Success


By: Sheila English

July 2011 New York, NY


What better place to hold the annual RWA convention than in the heart of the publishing world, New York, New York? The convention was sold out and some of the top authors in romance were in attendance.

The annual event includes workshops, lectures, interviews with authors and industry professionals, agent and editor meetings, parties, spotlights and the famous Rita and Golden Heart Awards.

Panels include marketing and craft issues and discuss everything from how to write to how to get published and to the future of publishing. Aspiring authors and published authors attend to learn, network, get free books, attend the book signing and have fun. And a few hopefuls look to win a Golden Heart or Rita award. The winners of the awards for 2011 are listed on the RWA site.

Some of the session names include; Transmedia, Multimedia and the Future of Publishing; Where Has the Romance Gone? Writing through Separation and Divorce; Discovering Story Magic; Critiquing the Critique Group; Spy Lingo: Beyond James Bond and many more.

RWA started in 1981 and is a nonprofit trade association.  It is made up of chapters and accepts both published and unpublished authors. The organization sends out a magazine each month to members and offers a “university” online that helps authors and aspiring authors learn craft, marketing and other issues important to their career path.

The event was well attended, well received and will be well remembered.