Top Selling eBooks? Romance


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH


Although the number of sales overall in the publishing industry is down, one genre has seen increased sales and according to a recent article in Businessweek, is the number one selling genre in eBooks – Romance. “A romance novel is sold every 5-seconds.”

In their article: In 2009 romance novel sales continued to defy industry trends, increasing to $1.4 billion, up $100 million, or 7.7 percent, from the previous year, according to Simba Information’s annual Business of Consumer Book Publishing report. Romance now accounts for 14 percent of all works of fiction sold. Some 75 million people read at least one romance novel in 2009, and it’s the top-performing category on the best-seller lists compiled by The New York Times, USA Today, and industry trade Publishers Weekly.”

Julie Cummings Manager of Promotions and Marketing at said at the recent Digital Book World Conference these readers chose Kindles first, followed by Nook and Sony to read their novels.

With all the sub-genre’s in romance, the genre is expected to continue to grow. Statistics from the Romance Writers of America show that in 2010: Romance books appeared on the best-seller lists with “482 editions of 469 titles by 239 authors under 56 imprints. There was high turnover with 435 new entries, and 77 new romance authors hit the best-seller lists.”