Computer-Generated Writers


Cincinnati, OH



The client list is growing for software company, Narrative Science. The company produces software that takes data and produces content that is customized to fit their customer’s unique voice. Forbes, Hanley Wood and Big Ten Network all use the software. While the company doesn’t disclose it’s entire customer list, they reportedly have thirty clients.

The software company began  as a project between Northwestern University Schools of Engineering and Journalism that would generate sports stories. It has now morphed into oher writing areas such as financial reports, local content, market research, and more.

From their website: “Our proprietary artificial intelligence platform produces reports, articles, summaries and more that are automatically created from structured data sources. With amazing speed and quality, narratives are created in multiple formats, including long-form articles, headlines, Tweets and industry reports. Multiple versions of the same story can be created to customize the content for each audience and narratives can be fully tailored to fit a customer’s voice, style and tone.”