Kobo Shops to Open


After market testing “Kobo boutiques” in WHSmith retail outlets, Kobo has decided to sell their eReader in WHSmith stores. WHSmith is a UK based retailer of books, eBooks, and stationery. The mini-boutiques within the store will have Kobo trained tech staff who will be able to train customers in the use of their eReaders, and be available for any tech related questions.

In a statement from the CEO of Kobo, Mike Serbinis: “We value our partnership with WHSmith and are excited to have dedicated, knowledgeable staff members who will educate WHSmith customers and introduce them to the benefits of Kobo.We know that in partnership with WHSmith we will deliver an engaging in-store experience that will demonstrate our expertise, best-in-class design, easy user experience, and innovative product line.”

The Kobo Touch eReader, Kobo Wireless eReader, and Kobo Vox tablet will all be available in these shops.