If you’re one of those readers that just loves perusing a bookstore or library for the ambiance, particularly that “new book” smell, you are going to love Paper Passion. This is an amusing new perfume from Wallpaper, Geza Schoen and Gerhard Steidl, with packaging and design by Karl Lagerfeld.
The fragrance launched this week is said to capture that “new book” smell that all readers love. “The smell of a freshly printed book is the best smell in the world.” – Karl Lagerfeld
The creation of the perfume was commissioned by Wallpaper Magazine who utilized the talents of master perfumer Geza Schoen. The scent is intended to “relax you, like when you read a book, to a level of meditation and concentration. Paper passion has evolved into something quite beautiful and unique. To wear the smell of a book is something very chic. Books are players in the intellectual world, but also in the world of luxury,” says the creators website.
Consumers that purchase Paper Passion will be treated to words of inspiration written by Karl Lagerfeld, Günter Grass, Geza Schoen and Tony Chambers, and “the fragrance will be sold encased within a hardcover book entitled Paper Passion.”
Paper Passion will retail for $115.00 (US)