Bookish Launches


The long awaited launch of is here. Originally set to open in May 2011, is a collaborative site between sixteen publishers from Random House to Scholastic.

Readers will find interviews, book recommendations, on online store, excerpts and more. The site will feature adult fiction, non-fiction, young adult and children’s books.

They brand themselves as: A Bookish a one-stop, comprehensive online destination designed to connect readers with books and authors, launches today, providing visitors with exclusive content and insider access to A-list writers.

From the press release: “After simply inputting up to four books from a specific category, Bookish will quickly generate recommendations from a proprietary algorithm that factors in editorial themes, professional and consumer reviews, publishing house editor insights, awards and more. Each title featured on Bookish has its own book page. These dedicated pages showcase a range of elements, including: an easy-to-access preview of the first chapter through Bookish’s e-Reader, related book videos, a roundup of Bookish’s must-read lists in which the book has been spotlighted, a newsfeed of the latest stories from around the web related to the book, a brief book description, cover art and other books by the same author.”