BEA Through Pictures


Pets were big among readers this year.  Along with Grumpy Cat, there were Corgis…yes, real ones.  And Hello Kitty was a photo op too good to miss.

Author KT Grant gets up close and personal with the Corgis.
Author KT Grant gets up close and personal with the Corgis.

hello kitty











And, speaking of people and their pets, I saw this car and laughed at the Pet Chauffeur business.  I could have used a human chauffeur myself.












I watched author CJ Lyons give out the IndieReader Discovery Awards.

cj lyons










The line was already a mile long to see Cary Elwes and he wouldn’t be signing for another hour so I had to skip it. (Sniff)













It seemed like everywhere I went people were talking about the new Bollywood book, Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari, so I was thrilled to meet up with her and she gave me a copy of her book.

Falguni Kothari and Stacey Agdern
Falguni Kothari and Stacey Agdern













The final day, BookCon, brought out crowds of readers.











Bottom Line:  If you like books, it’s hard not to like this event.