Pets were big among readers this year. Along with Grumpy Cat, there were Corgis…yes, real ones. And Hello Kitty was a photo op too good to miss.

And, speaking of people and their pets, I saw this car and laughed at the Pet Chauffeur business. I could have used a human chauffeur myself.
I watched author CJ Lyons give out the IndieReader Discovery Awards.
The line was already a mile long to see Cary Elwes and he wouldn’t be signing for another hour so I had to skip it. (Sniff)
It seemed like everywhere I went people were talking about the new Bollywood book, Bootie and the Beast by Falguni Kothari, so I was thrilled to meet up with her and she gave me a copy of her book.

The final day, BookCon, brought out crowds of readers.
Bottom Line:Â If you like books, it’s hard not to like this event.