Reader’s Entertainment Asks Authors for a Sneak Peek of Their Latest or Upcoming Novel!


Readers want good stories, well told, original and well-written and we want to help them find the story that’s just right for them!  Reader’s Entertainment magazine wants to know about your book!  We want readers to be able to get a little sneak peek and be able to find your book or series right here!


There’s no charge to submit a sneak peek.  That’s right! We do this for the readers so we never charge the author.

Submit your sneak peek materials in a single email with all of the assets included.  Send it to with a subject line of “Sneak Peek”.  Within the email include the following:

1-3 chapters of the book

Synopsis or back cover blurb

Author bio

Author picture options (must be under 1 MB in size)

Book Cover under 1 MB in size.  If it is over 1 MB it will not be included in the feature.  It is up to YOU, the author, to ensure it is the right size.  We get a lot of these submitted to us and do not have time to edit, or contact you if you do not include everything as requested.  We aren’t trying to be difficult, just practical.

Website and URLS for any social media you’d like included

A link to where to buy the book (optional)

If you have a release date, or a special date you’d like the sneak peek to release on, include that in your email to us.