Nook Press Eases Free eBook Uploads


barnA new featured has been added to Barnes & Noble’s Nook Publishing platform, and it makes offering ebooks for free — simple. An author or publisher just sets the price to ‘zero’ and upload or update their book listing. The process can take from a few minutes to a few days, but when completed, the ebook will be free.

Here are the details from B&N’s press release:

Dear Publisher,

Free eBooks have arrived at NOOK Press! Now, publishers have the opportunity to set the price of any NOOK Press eBook to FREE. We understand the importance of this feature and are excited to provide our publishers with this great promotional tool.

To set an eBook to FREE, simply log in to the NOOK Press eBook platform and choose any project. Once selected, you can change the list price to $0.00 and click save. The price update can take a few minutes or up to 72 hours, after which your eBook will be available to customers at free of charge.

For those of you who currently have FREE eBooks with other vendors, you can migrate these eBooks to NOOK Press without losing your Customer Reviews. As long as the title, author name, and series name is the exact same on your new NOOK Press title, all Customer Reviews will transfer automatically. You can then ask the other vendor to unlist / unpublish their edition of your eBook.

The number of FREE downloads your title receives will be reflected in your sales dashboard under the Recent Sales section.

We thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm.

Happy publishing!
The NOOK Press Team