Christine Feehan Talks – “If I were to…“Game!

Let's Go!

With Christine Feehan’s newest release, Dark Sentinel, out we thought we’d catch up with this super-author and see if she’d like to have some fun!  We were thrilled to find that, not only is she charming and intelligent, but she has a wicked sense of humor.  Could we love this author more than we already do? Uh … yeah, actually we can, just read on and you will too!

We’re playing a game called “If I were to…” with Christine and inviting you to play too! At the end, we’ll give you a link to Christine’s Goodreads blog where you can give her YOUR answers!

Christine’s Q&A Fun!

Let's Go!
Let’s Go!

If I were to spend a week vacationing with any of my characters it would be-

I would love to go to the Carpathian Mountains with Ferro. He’s one of the ancients and would know the area so well.  Of course, I’d want a guided tour of the monastery.  I could see all the mysteries and wildness of the land while being kept safe by one of the Old Guard.


If I were to choose an ability from any series or character to take on as my own it would be –

I would love to be a shapeshifter with the ability to shift into anything I wanted.  I’d love to run as a wolf through the forest and fly up in the clouds as a bird. 


If I were to invite another author’s characters into my world to be an ally it would be –


C.L. Wilson’s Rain Tairen Soul.  He could scorch the world, flying around as a Tairen. He’s fierce and would a wonderful ally in my Dark Series.













If I were to choose any comic book superhero or villain to be in a Dark Series book it would be –

I love female villains because they can wreak havoc unexpectedly. It would be shocking to my Carpathian warriors and difficult for them since they were raised to cherish women.

But, I think I’d have a coalition of villainous women starting with Catwoman and Harlequin.

If I were to shapeshift into any animal it would be a –

If I could only choose one I think it would have to be a bird of prey.  I’d love to see everything from the sky and travel long distances by flying.  It would be such a unique perspective.


If I were to say who my personal choice of most intriguing NEW character in my Dark Series it would be-

I can’t pick just one! LOL

Andor because he is very ancient, shaped by his past and his preconceived ideas of what a lifemate should be and how she should act.  He’s given a very modern woman, one who is willing to fight and he finds that he fits with her perfectly.  He is gentle and really surprised me as I was writing his story.

And Ferro because even the ancients are a little leery of him. He intrigues me.


If I were to choose a new city to set one of my series in it would be –

Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia

I have always wanted to go to Nova Scotia.  Anywhere in Nova Scotia would be wonderful.  It’s so beautiful there. 





If I were to choose my favorite thing about Dark Sentinel it would be-

I was surprised and excited to have a revelation revealed for myself.  Though much of this series I already have formed the myths and have an idea of where it’s all going and how I’ll get there, there are times when I’m writing and realize something new.  When you’ve written so many books in a series you want it to stay fresh for you, too.  So, I love when this kind of thing happens, like it did in Dark Sentinel.

I love how everyone had to trust one another in order to save Andor.  They had to bind themselves together in a way that meant, if he died, they all died, including his lifemate.  They had to trust Lorraine would be brave enough and strong enough to bring him back even though they’d just met her.  These are ancients, trusting a modern woman they hardly know, but something about her, in her determination, allowed them to extend that kind of trust to her.  I loved that.

Your Turn!
Your Turn!

Did any of her Christine’s answers surprise you? Inspire you? Let us know!

Now it’s your turn! The questions are now posed to the readers over on Christine’s Goodreads Blog. Follow this link to play –  CHRISTINE FEEHAN’S GOODREADS BLOG for the WIN!