Introducing the Host of the Romancing The Gold Coast Conference


60325984_2433267146951091_1578202736690724864_nRomancing the Gold Coast hosted by Kimberly Rocha…….

Kimberly Rocha was at a crossroads.  A woman who wears many hats, including publicist, blogger, reader and photographer, she had decided that 2019 would mark the last time she would hold her signature event :the Book Obsessed Chicks Beach BBQ.

But as someone who enjoys books, reading and gathering people to talk about books, she knew that wasn’t the last event she’d organize. There would be something else. But what?

During the years she’d been reading and hosting book themed events, Rocha realized her reading habits had changed. Her favorite genre of romance to read these days is historical. And as publishers began to expand historical romance into the Gilded Age, Rocha saw an idea. And opportunity.

“Those of us living in the tri state area have been spoiled by the abundance of historical sites,” Rocha says. “There is so much to do here on Long Island and I want to share that with everyone.”

Thus, Romancing the Gold Coast was born out of Kimberly Rocha’s two loves: Long Island history and Historical romance.

The mansion at Glen Cove, where the event will take place, has it’s own place in Long Island history Amongst other things, the mansion served as a home base for of the first female members of the House of Representatives from New York.

This and other interesting points of history drive Rocha’s philosophy for the first year of the event. “I wanted to focus on the readers spending valuable face time with their favorite authors, meeting new-to-them authors as well as to  take advantage of the stellar surroundings of Long Island.”

Check out the list of authors attending this event! And check out the Facebook event page!