New Directions Publishing Introduces – New Classics Club


ND_ecommerce_square_320x320_v4x1Readers receive from New Directions Publishing:

One book a month for a year (free shipping) with a gift of The Way It Wasn’t when you subscribe.
Welcome to the New Classics Club!

Get twelve books a year handpicked by New Directions editors!

For $150, New Classics members* will expand their personal libraries month by month, with titles selected by our editors. Chosen from the latest additions to our catalog, these may include novels, poetry, story collections, and essays from writers such as Clarice Lispector, Yoko Tawada, César Aira, and László Krasznahorkai.

New members will also receive as a gift a copy of The Way It Wasn’t, a richly illustrated scrapbook of our founder James Laughlin’s life in letters.

Twelve books a year, and a chance to read the future of literary history today. Welcome to the New Classics Club!

*We are initially offering the subscription to readers in the US only, but we are working on an international package.