My days blend together even though I have been pretty disciplined in keeping to my normal work schedule.  Because I have animals, I have to get up early no matter what. So, I’m up by 7:30 am taking care of the dogs.

I do everything in 2-hour blocks of time starting at 8am.  I do my usual work which is all done remotely. Then I break it up with an hour of housework (aka napping – any time I say housework, I really mean napping). Why does quarantining make me sleepy? It does though.

If the sun is out, I go outside for lunch. I don’t tell anyone. I pretend I’ve run away to somewhere tropical paradise where gorgeous men take care of my every need (i.e. laundry, dirty dishes, scrub the toilet, NEEDS I say!).  Since that’s just a fantasy, I then go back in and clean the kitchen while contemplating how to bribe my son to do other chores that I really don’t want to do.

My husband works from home, so not a lot has changed for him. Other than me being home, too. Yes, it’s okay to feel sorry for IMG_3006him.

I am writing a novel and a comic book simultaneously.  I just finished all the edits on The Gemini Keys, but need to run it by my agent to see if I’ll be self-publishing it or if he wants to do something with it.

faitherI made a box set of my Faith Healer’s Daughters trilogy and made it $.99 cents for people who are looking for something to read while endeavoring not to do anything crazy while dealing with cabin fever. You know, like binging Netflix till your eyes bleed.

The BEST thing about quarantine is – I’m writing more! I get to enter the world of Adam Frankenstein which gives me such an amazing escape.

The WORST thing about quarantine is – I miss my family. We FaceTime or call but it’s not the same.

My suggestion or recommendations for people during quarantine is – Try something new! Or revisit comfort reads. Find humor somewhere.  Take an online class.  Keep to a schedule. Be disciplined. Reach out if you need support. We all do at some point.

Stay safe everyone!

Adam2_Small_Search for a Soul


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