Sheila’s Book Review with Wine: Dark Lover by JR Ward


Okay, I’m reviewing books while drinking wine because, that’s how I roll. And why not? I’m a 50-something year old woman. I need books and wine and I’m not afraid to admit it. You don’t have to drink wine while you read, but sometimes you just do what you gotta do.

Plus, if you drink wine while reading my book reviews you’ll find that I’m far funnier!

We are going to pair a nice Merlot with JR Ward’s Dark Lover. Because “Dark” and “Lover” just seem to scream for Merlot.

First of all, let’s take a moment to look at the cover. Do we love it? *sip* Why, yes we do!

Do we love the title of the book? *sip* Yes we do! It makes us think lots of very *sip* interesting things!

Now, let’s talk about this book, shall we? *sip*

5 out of 5 stars for sure!

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is the series and Dark Lover is the first in that series. These guys have very interesting names and at first I needed to get used to it.

Our hero is Wrath. He’s had it rough for a very long time and is very ruthless. I find vampires tend to be ruthless, but this guy is dark and scary and sexy as hell, so we’ll give him a pass.


He is the last purebred vampire and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. When his friend asks for a favor and he turns it down he regrets that later when said friend dies a terrible death. Now Wrath is left feeling a bit guilty and he checks on his friend’s half-human/half-vampire daughter, Beth. Beth has no idea she has such a heritage. So, when sexy guy shows up she’s at a loss.

She’s in danger in ways she can’t even fathom. And Wrath must decide if he will offer his protection or not.

Beth is quick to realize something is amiss.  Too late, Beth! Tall, dark, sexy and sharp-toothed Wrath has found he might want to keep you around.

Throughout the book I strongly suggested she just have sex with him! *sip* Finally! The deed is done. And oh wow…Wrath really knows how to do the deed! I freely admit to reading some scenes multiples times. Multiples are often best. *sip*

Lots of action, angst, blood, action, hot guys, sex and romance! I highly recommend both the Merlot and the book!

You’re welcome.

Reviewed by Sheila English.

No wine was harmed in the making of this book review.