MasterClass online classes offer anyone with an active mind who wants to learn more about a skill the opportunity to learn from masters.
Currently, there are several bestselling and beloved authors teaching different aspects of writing on MasterClass. We wondered if it was worth the price of admission, $180 per year. or $15 per month.

Though the classes are by “masters” it is for anyone at any level of writing and also for any reader who has ever wondered about the process of writing.
Each class in a segment running anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour long. It’s broken down into different topics per segment. The author is filmed using different angles, some of which Neil Gaimen wonders what they are needed for. He can’t imagine anyone wanting to see the top of his head.
You can find information from approaching the blank page (David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing) to Neil Gaiman talking about engaging storytelling. Neil actually reads from some of his books which is a treat all on its own!
Famous authors such as Dan Brown teaches about writing thrillers and James Patterson talks about raw ideas and doing outlines.
Other authors include-
Margaret Atwood – Getting started, structure, point of view.
Judy Blume – Finding ideas, creating memorable characters.
Malcolm Gladwell – Research, development, engagement.
Billy Collins – Writing poetry, the writing process, connecting with poetry.