It’s taken me forever to write this review because Elisabeta and Ferro’s story is so amazing and the direction the Dark/ Carpathian Series is taking is so addicting I could write pages. So I believed I’ve narrowed it down and if you hadn’t realized it yet, I highly recommend this series and Dark Song! I Have been awaiting these two and their story since Dark Legacy. Wondering how they would navigate their journey after all they faced, and the dangers still coming for them, tormenting her… how and if Sergey would be destroyed.
Dark Song is such a beautiful story of strength and courage. Not just the strength of physical prowess and cunning in battle…although in a Feehan Novel that’s a given. But a true definition of strength of character and honor.
Ferro’s a hero who spent centuries fighting the vampire, protecting his people, all species. Then as the darkness, the lure of ending eternal emptiness, became too strong he secluded himself away in the Monastery with his Brethren, the Ancients. All determined to hold on to his honor, to remain strong, awaiting the one who could bring him his light, complete his soul. Returning to the world to help his people yet again and with the hope his lifemate may be within reach.
Elisabeta is a heroine who was stolen from her home, tortured and abused for centuries by Sergey Manilov, someone she once trusted, turned vampire who used her to gain power over others. She tolerated it all, yielded to him all she was, her memories, her physical and mental ability to function believing he was in complete control. But She refused to surrender what he wanted most, the one thing that she honored cherished most of all, the part of her Lifemates soul she carried. This strength of character gave her the ability to survive, to even find ways to manipulate her capture, doing the best to be strong for her lifemate even with the terror and restrictions Sergey submitted her to, made her believe was her whole life…until the day she is rescued.
Ferro and Elisabeta must learn to navigate this new world and the disconnect her years in captivity wrought on her. It is their strength of character and sense of honor, their belief in the lifemate bond that move them along their journey to love…and Christine writes this beautifully…
I love an Alpha Male that knows when to use his dominance and strength to protect and aid his lifemate and in true alpha form knows when to restrict that dominance and use his strength to allow her to, maybe stumble, but chose her path and learn to have confidence in her nature and her skills. Trusting that as lifemates they must do what makes the other happy and that Ferro is there for her and she has the ability to be there for him.
And as Elisabeta grows in confidence in herself, regains the most basic of abilities, grows in her trust of Ferro and the friendships she makes, she builds on her understanding of who she is as a lifemate and that she has a lot of amazing skills, intelligence and, all discover, a rare gift. It is their strength of character that helps them grow as individuals and from fated lifemates to lifemates in love. As she grows she discovers she has the ability, the knowledge, to help the Carpathians gathered to defeat their common enemy in the Manilovs, to defeat Sergey.
And through the difficulty of learning their new norm and what’s best for them, their story is filled with the most dreamy sigh moments of romance in its true definition. And the dangers they face, the healing support, both share, they find a path best for them, they find who they are to each other and the Carpathian people. Their story is masterfully woven through an amazing plot driving the series, danger from the Manilovs continues and reveals more threats to the Prince and Tariq, and secrets revealed. What an amazing leader Tariq truly is. Your heart routes for all to find their happy ever after someday soon due interactions with ancients and Carpathians we love.It is exciting to see the Carpathians leaving their isolated hunting ways and adapting to modern, new strategic ways to fight and to become more of a society. Can’t wait to see who is next!