Runaway Husbands The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal By Vikki Stark


Runaway Husbands By Vikki Stark

An in-depth healing strategy for women whose lives have been turned upside down due to Wife Abandonment Syndrome by international psychotherapist Vikki Stark

Based on a study of over 400 women worldwide, Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal, is the first book to explore and offer healing strategies to women whose lives have been turned upside down by Wife Abandonment Syndrome. Wife Abandonment Syndrome is a pattern of behavior on the part of a husband who leaves his wife out-of-the-blue from what she believed was a happy marriage. Following his sudden departure, he replaces the caring he’d typically shown her with anger and aggression. He often moves directly in with a girlfriend, leaving his bewildered wife totally devastated. Written by family therapist Vikki Stark who was herself affected by Wife Abandonment Syndrome, Runaway Husbands helps women understand what motivated their loving husbands to turn into uncaring strangers and provides them with the tools they need to move forward and rebuild their lives in new and unexpected ways.

Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal: Stark, Vikki: 9780986472107: Books –

Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal: Stark, Vikki: 9780986472107: Books

What Readers Are Saying:
“Thank you so much for this wonderful book! I experienced a whole range of emotions as I read along – sometimes tears, sometimes giggles – but a whole lot of head nodding and “Yep, that was him all right!” as I turned the pages. Your book and your website have provided invaluable comfort and support in my journey towards recovery from this life altering event.”
“YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! I just finished Runaway Husbands. I’m recovering from Wife Abandonment Syndrome and your book has been SO Instrumental in my healing.”
“I have now read your book four times. I finally understand. You left no stone unturned. My healing has been amazing. There was always that little part of me that wanted to hang onto him and I have now cut the ties that bound me to him. I feel light and free.”


My work life is multi-faceted.

I have an active international psychotherapy practice in which I work with clients both in my lovely Montreal office and worldwide online.

I’m the founder and director of the Sedona Counselling Centre of Montreal, where we have experienced therapists providing a full range of therapy services to individuals, couples and families.

I’m also an international guest expert on television and radio on issues related to mental health and emotional well being, notably appearing on NBC’s The Today Show and Oprah radio. I was featured in Time Magazine and Maclean’s (Canada), among many other media appearances.

I write a blog for Psychology Today called Schlepping Through Heartbreak for magazine that has had over 4 million views.

I have written three books and edited a fourth. My first book is about sister relationships and the other three are about divorce and divorce recovery. As a result of one of my books, Runaway Husbands, I lead a worldwide community of women supporting each other through recovery from sudden unexpected divorces (learn more at the Runaway Husbands website.)