Book Review: Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak


Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

Chills and hair-raising anticipation!

I loved the chills and hair-raising anticipation this book gave me! There are amazing twists, and page turning moments where you’re wondering what is waiting on the next page, (be it a sketch or peak through fingers moment) will something happen, will something be revealed or will things go wrong? it’s really good spooky season stuff! A Horror/Thriller… however you categorize it…the ending is a surprise so well exposed! And the one year later made me cry

I also love the plot threads where confidence is built, weakened, and characters learn to believe in themself, finding others who will believe in them, too…and finding the strength and courage to put someone else’s safety above their own.

One word of advice, if you want to cozily drift off to sleep at night, don’t read at bedtime…especially since as you’re turning pages you’re shown drawings of an “imaginary” friend…