PODCAST: Talking Paranormal Romance with Author Katelyn Marie Peterson


Talking Paranormal Romance with Author Katelyn Marie Peterson


Katelyn Marie Peterson graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and writes freelance pieces for various newspapers. When she isn’t typing on her laptop, she enjoys movie marathons, singing show tunes in the car, and cozying up with a good book. Katelyn resides in Connecticut with her husband and two children, a stay-at-home mom with a passion for Romance. You can learn more at her website: https://www.katelynswriting.com/

And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit http://Lisa-Kessler.com

Book Lights – shining a light on good books!

Here’s a look at Katelyn’s latest release COLD SWEAT:

Isabel Kingston, a writer for a food magazine, is talking to her dad on the phone when he’s killed by a mugger. On top of this trauma, the love of her life leaves town to make his fortune in the restaurant business, leaving her brokenhearted and bitter. The murder case goes cold, and she’s plagued by nightmares in which her dying dad is trying to name his killer. She wakes up in a cold sweat. Is it possible the deceased can communicate with the living in their dreams? On the seventh anniversary of his murder, she’s assigned to cover the story of a hometown restaurateur’s return and the grand opening of his new eatery. Yes, it’s her old flame, and he’s come back to make amends, a move that rips open old wounds, upends her life, and drives a wedge between her and her present lover. It’s as if the universe has turned against her, or perhaps it’s divine intervention.