Behind the Words with Lynette Eason


Today, we welcome author Lynette Eason back to our blog, and we’ll be talking about her latest release Double Take, the first book in a new series. Welcome, Lynette! Let’s start with telling readers what was the inspiration for Lake City Heroes series?

I’m not sure I was inspired—more like I grabbed some writer buddies and held them hostage until we figured it out. Seriously, I have some great author friends who never hesitate to do some brainstorming. I did want the series to stay true to my voice and genre. With Double Take, I actually had an outline I wrote probably three years ago. The idea came to me and I jotted it down, but I didn’t really have a place for it. Until it was time to submit the contract for the next series. I went back over the idea, made some tweaks, and knew that it was the perfect first book idea for this series.

What is the connecting element between all the books in your series?

The connecting element is the cast of characters and the setting. The stories are set in the fictional town of Lake City, North Carolina, about an hour outside of Asheville.

Can you please tell readers about your protagonists, Lainie Jackson and James Cross?

Lainie and James have a complicated relationship from the get-go. One of her best friends is James’s sister, Stephanie, who she’s known forever. And Lainie’s had a crush on James for about that long. But she was resigned that he’d never see her as anything more than his younger sister’s friend, so when her ex came along, she was vulnerable. James, on the other hand, had vowed never to let his heart be vulnerable again. When you let people get close, they have too much power to hurt you. Then along came Lainie, and now he’s fighting to keep her alive and out of his heart all at the same time.

How did your characters meet?

They’ve known each other since childhood.

Both Lainie and James are struggling through past issues. How are they able to help themselves while helping each other?

Lainie and James learn a lot from each other. Honestly, James is the only man in the world who could win Lainie’s trust after her experience with her ex-fiancé. And she still has the occasional doubt. Outside of his siblings, James has never really had anyone stand up for him and tell others that he’s not the loser he sometimes feels he is. When he overhears Lainie defending him to his father, he’s a goner. And it takes both of them to catch a killer, so there’s that.

What are some of the main themes covered in Double Take?

Some of the main themes include forgiveness, reconciliation, loyalty, second chances, and sacrificial love.

What do you hope readers will experience when reading your novel?

First of all, of course I hope that readers love the story itself, that they’re thoroughly entertained. Second, I hope that the inner battles the characters face can somehow resonate with readers and draw them closer to the Savior.

Where can readers purchase a copy of Double Take?

Reader can purchase Double Take at all online outlets, including most local bookstores.

How can readers connect with you?

I love to hear from readers! I’m on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. My website is, where readers can sign up for my newsletter. That’s the best place to keep up with everything going on with the books—and sometimes my life.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Lynette! 

Readers — DOUBLE TAKE releases TODAY. Here’s a quick look………..

Detective James Cross has been honorably discharged from the Army Criminal Investigation Division due to wounds sustained when an IED blew up near him. Now with the Lake City Police Department, he’s rooming with this good buddy and partner, Cole, while he figures out his family dynamics.

Physician Assistant Lainie Jackson is eighteen months out from an attempted murder perpetrated by her ex, which ended when she managed to grab the weapon and shoot him. When he appears to have survived and is back to finish the job he started, Lainie insists it’s not possible. But someone keeps trying to kill her, and she keeps seeing his face.

Together, Lainie and James must work together to find out who, exactly, is after her and why he wants her dead. And failure is not an option.