Behind The Words With Susan May Warren


Today, we welcome bestselling author Susan May Warren to the blog. We’ll be talking about her latest release ONE LAST SHOT. First, give us a quick look at the book. 

Air One Rescue returns my readers to the world of Global Search and Rescue, joining a newly formed team (that readers met in Sunrise) based in Anchorage, Alaska. When Oaken Fox, a country music star trying to win back his fan base, is coerced into joining the team for a reality show, he must partner with EMT Boo Kingston, who wants nothing to do with his fame or charm. But she’ll have to train him if she hopes to keep him alive. More, when tragedy looms, they’ll have to add him to the team if they hope to save lives. But what will it cost them . . . and Boo? It’s a fast-paced, heart-tugging, “Montana Rescue meets the Sky King Ranch series” that includes a found family, enemies-to-sweethearts, redemption, sacrifice, and addresses the question, Are we who the world says we are?

One Last Shot is the first book in your new Alaskan Air One Rescue series. What was the inspiration for your series?
I met Moose Mulligan in Sunrise, book 1 of the Sky King Ranch series, and he simply walked off the page and into my heart. I knew there was much, much more to him . . . and his desire to save people. With that question came the idea of developing his team and the kind of people who work together and risk their own lives to save others. Fans loved Montana Rescue so much, along with Sky King Ranch, so it felt right to dive into this Alaskan SAR series.

In addition to the Alaskan Air One Rescue series, you have also written other books based in Alaska, including your Global Search and Rescue series. What draws you to this location?
Alaska is a character in itself—rugged, dangerous, beautiful . . . the last frontier. My son was born in Alaska, and since then I’ve had a love for the wild beauty of it and a curiosity about the people who live there full time. It also makes for a great location for trouble to happen!

Your two protagonists, Oaken Fox and Boo Kingston, are pursuing very different careers. Can you provide some information on their backgrounds?
Oaken Fox is a country musician who feels like his fame doesn’t belong to him. As the brother to superstar Hollie Montgomery (who first appeared in Wild Montana Skies), he jumped to fame after his sister was killed in a car accident. But there’s more to that story, and Oaken has to wrestle with those nightmares before he can walk in freedom. As for Boo—she’s former military, as well as a former reality television star, something she’d very much like to keep secret now that she’s hiding in Alaska. But it’s hard to hide under

the shining light of Oaken, and it’s time for her to come out of hiding and face the nightmares of her past. It’s a story of redemption and getting free of regrets . . . and I love that these two are exactly the wrong people to be together . . . or are they?

What situation occurs that forces your protagonists to work together?
When Oaken signs on with Mike Grizz—adventurer, survivalist, and television star—to appear in his show, Go Wild with Grizz, the last thing he expects is to have to save Mike after a terrible accident. Thankfully, the first person he finds to help him is rescuer Boo Kingston. Boo’s involvement leads to a terrible-brilliant idea by Mike’s producer to team up these two in hopes of resurrecting the show. Boo must train Oaken and keep him alive. Oaken must keep Boo out of the spotlight . . .

Do you have any underlying themes or lessons that you would like readers to garner from One Last Shot?
As with all my novels, I base the themes off a hymn. This one is based off verse one of “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.” It’s the idea that we get our purpose, worth, and identity not from ourselves, or what others say, but from something deeper and eternal and thus more impactful. And then we explore what this means for our lives.

You often integrate characters from different series into your books. Will we have an appearance from any of your former protagonists?
Of course! Readers will catch up with Dodge and Echo Kingston, Larke and Riley McCord, of course Moose and Axel Mulligan, and even Ben King (from Montana Rescue).

You have a gift for blending action, romance, and suspense in perfect balance. What is the secret to creating such captivating novels?
Oh my. I guess I write what I would like to read! I also keep track of the action, romance, and suspense threads as I write, so I keep them moving. But I think the biggest trick is to ask, As a reader, what would I like to see next?

What are you working on next?
The next book I am working on is the second book in the Alaskan Air One Rescue series, One Last Chance.

How can readers connect with you?
Go to my website, I’m also on Instagram @SusanMayWarren and on Facebook at SusanMayWarrenFiction.