Amazon Books Won’t be on Barnes & Noble Shelves


Cincinnati, OH



In a press release sent to the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, and the New York Times, bookseller Barnes & Noble will not be selling Amazon books at their retail stores. They will apparently be offering Amazon titles at their online store.

From Jamie Carey, Chief Merchandising Officer Barnes & Noble”

“Barnes & Noble has made a decision not to stock Amazon published titles in our store showrooms. Our decision is based on Amazon’s continued push for exclusivity with publishers, agents and the authors they represent. These exclusives have prohibited us from offering certain eBooks to our customers. Their actions have undermined the industry as a whole and have prevented millions of customers from having access to content. It’s clear to us that Amazon has proven they would not be a good publishing partner to Barnes & Noble as they continue to pull content off the market for their own self interest. We don’t get many requests for Amazon titles, but If customers wish to buy Amazon titles from us, we will make them available only online at”