Author Ila Burgardt Shares Professional Journey With Mary Kay Cosmetics


BookA True Inspiring Success Story From Consultant to Senior National Sales Director
Author shares her professional journey up through the success ladder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, alongside Mary Kay herself

Who would have thought that a simple Mary Kay Cosmetics beauty consultant would end up as a Senior National Sales Director? To those who thought it’s impossible should think again as author Ila Burgardt invites readers to step into her office and experience how this seemingly elusive dream actually came true. In her inspiring memoir, From Consultant to Senior National Sales Director, she provides step by step the many roads and corners she took to go from being a consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics to Senior National Sales Director.

The author grew up in 1932 during the Oklahoma dust storms in the little town of Beaver, Oklahoma. Her story is supported with many uplifting and spirited quotes which are part of her successful creed of life. It also contains many stories about Mary Kay, as the author traveled and worked with her.

This dynamic woman began an innovative career and offers a guide to success in the field of sales. This memoir will also help readers master practical ways to become more confident, grow spiritually, develop self-esteem, and break through the barriers that are holding them back. This helps everyone begin, if they haven’t started yet, towards the path to success.

This new book From Consultant to Senior National Sales Director is now available at; click on bookstore and enter the title. Also, readers can check out for more information.

About the Author

Ila Burgardt has earned over $3 million and had developed 79 Directors (Managers) and over 3,000 beauty consultants with Mary Kay Cosmetics. She is available to do workshops, seminars, and one-on-one life coaching. These are customized personally for each individual. She has traveled extensively to assist women to succeed by building self-esteem and confidence. She does training on money management, organization, booking appointments, overcoming objections, goal-setting and recruiting.

She worked and traveled with Mary Kay and learned directly from her.