QUICK LOOK: Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, and Healthy Habits that Pay Off by Tricia Silverman


Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, and Healthy Habits that Pay Off
Debut Book by Nutrition and Wellness Expert — TRICIA SILVERMAN

Want to lose weight, gain energy, increase productivity, and live a longer, healthier life?

As an expert in nutrition, wellness coaching, and fitness, Tricia Silverman shares countless tips in this book. These tips are investments that yield the results—or wellness dividends—you desire.

Wondering how to start eating healthy, or how to lose weight?

Learn the nuts and bolts of the NuTricia’s Way of Eating. Use Tricia’s Nutrition Staircase to learn the steps you can take on your journey toward optimal health. Learn easy ways to figure out how many calories and protein grams you need. Learn why the Keto and Paleo diets may be shortening your lifespan, and even setting the stage for cancer, heart disease, and more!

Hoping to live a long, flourishing life?

Explore Tricia’s 10 Tips for Longevity! She’ll reveal what she’s learned from teaching Healthy Aging at Northeastern University, visiting areas of longevity, and leading the Active Aging Nutrition Certification across the US for the SCW Fitness Education Company. Read about Elizabeth, who lost almost one hundred pounds and saved thousands on copays for medications and healthcare services she no longer needs

Looking to learn more about healthy shopping and restaurant eating?

Learn how to plan your shopping and meals to save time and money. Learn about the NuTricia’s T Plan for dining out, so you can enjoy a restaurant meal or takeout while still supporting your nutrition and wellness goals.

By investing just a few hours in reading this book, you will learn:

  • How to reduce cravings, eat more mindfully, and form healthier habits that stick
  • How making a vision board can lead to a more successful, healthful, happy life
  • Why to avoid certain food additives
  • Tips from real people who have lost weight and kept it off
  • Ideas for healthy meals and snacks
  • How to motivate yourself to move more and enhance your fitness
  • How food logging apps and meal plans can support your weight loss efforts
  • Seven simple strategies to boost memory, mental functioning, and mood
  • How to optimize your sleep through nutrition and healthy habits
  • How to manage stress to feel and do your best

Invest your time in implementing Tricia’s strategies, and you will soon be enjoying your own healthy dividends!


Tricia has been a fitness and nutrition enthusiast, since she was a child. She is a registered dietitian, certified wellness coach, and fitness instructor (certified as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor), and International Amazon Bestselling Author.
She has her MBA and teaches Nutrition Entrepreneurship and Healthy Aging for Northeastern University. She creates captivating nutrition programs for conferences, employee wellness, senior centers, businesses, and more. Through her coaching practice, she has helped people lose weight, eat better, move more, and get more out of life! Tricia leads nutrition, weight management, and coaching certifications across the US for SCW Fitness Education Company, and teaches the nutrition component of Christine Conti’s Let’s Face it Together Facial Exercise Certification Program.

  • Tricia was named the Presenter of the Year for the 2018 SCW Fitness Education Florida Conference.
  • She won the title of Fitness Idol after competing at the prestigious SCW Fitness Boston Mania Fitness Idol Competition in November 2016.
  • Tricia was the state liaison for the Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group in Massachusetts from 2004 – 2015.
  • She served on the board of directors for the National Speaker
    Association New England Chapter for two years. She was named the 2008 Chapter Member of the Year.

    The Dietitian’s in Business and Communications practice group honored Tricia with the Circle Award in 2006 for her outstanding contribution to the group as newsletter editor.

    She was named the 2008 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award by the Massachusetts Dietetic Association.

    Tricia has been published in Bipolar Magazine and Schizophrenia Digest, as well as other mental health magazines. She has been quoted in numerous articles for various publications.

    She has been teaching Nutrition Entrepreneurship for Northeastern University for eleven years. Tricia also has taught Nutrition Entrepreneurship for the University of Saint Joseph and she teaches Healthy Aging: Nutrition Strategies for Optimal Longevity for Northeastern University.  More information about Tricia can be found at: https://www.triciasilverman.com/

    To request additional review copies or an interview with Tricia Silverman, please contact Mickey Mikkelson at Creative Edge Publicity: mickey.creativeedge@gmail.com / 403.464.6925.