Special Feature: What I Learned in 2020 by Author Tricia Silverman


Special Feature

In 2020 I learned…Tricia Silverman

What a year! 2020 brought tough times, but many silver linings. We all had to pivot so much. In that pivoting there were so many learning opportunities. I realized early on in the pandemic that the best way to navigate through is would be to have a sense of humor and to just “embrace the new.”

There were so many new-to-me technologies to learn. I got so much better on zoom. Didn’t we all? I even bought a green screen and had fun with all of the possibilities it offered. One of the recorded nutrition seminars that I did for a cable tv program needed to be edited before I submitted it. I learned how to use Screencast-o-matic which is a screen capture and video editing platform. I learned how a ring light could take me from Broom Hilda (if you don’t know who she is, please google) to Glenda, the Good Witch, in the turn of a switch. I embraced Instagram reels which is a fun way to get educational messages across through eye-catching visuals, and uplifting music. The university that I teach at chose 2020 (before the pandemic) as the year to roll out a new learning management system. Another software to navigate. I am developing an online course using teachable…another learning management system that I learned how to use in 2020. I learned to be grateful for all of this new technology, as I often thought about the pandemic in the early 1900’s. It must have been pretty lonely for people to social distance, when cell phones, tv, and the internet were unavailable. One major takeaway from 2020 is not to be afraid of technology…embrace it, and use it to support your goals and desires.

Before 2020 began, I decided it would be the year to finally start working on the yoga certification I had been wanting to take for several years. I took the first two modules in January and February live in Massachusetts, and then the storm we know as Covid blew in. Luckily, Yogafit, the international yoga teaching school who I began my certification with, took all of its programming online.  I had thought it would take a couple of years for me to finish. Now a year later, I am almost done! I learned so much about yoga and meditation. Yoga philosophy really resonates with me. One of my takeaways from the certification is that where we are now is a collection of the choices we have made over time, so if we want a better future for our careers, our bodies, our nutrition, and our lives, the choices we make in each present moment will lead us toward our goals and desires. So, don’t put off good choices until tomorrow or Monday, or when it’s warmer out, or when circumstances are more ideal. Make good choices in the moment.

I made progress in the kitchen in 2020. I made vegetables in new combinations. Who knew that mushrooms, onions, and red cabbage taste fantastic with turkey taco meat, brown rice, and pecorino Romano cheese! I could eat this combo for every meal! It was also the year to find lighter versions of comfort food favorites. I created a Light and Fabulous Coleslaw recipe which I posted below. My takeaways from my cooking experiences are to keep trying new combinations of foods. Cooking more at home has amazing health benefits, and trying new healthy recipes is something I will continue to do, and encourage you to do as well. Hope you enjoy my recipe below!

Light and Fabulous Coleslaw-By Tricia Silverman, RD, MBA


1 – 1.5 Cups chopped cabbage (often sole as coleslaw mix in the supermarket)

1 tsp      Real mayonnaise (Trader Joe’s makes a nice organic one)

1 tsp Maple syrup           

1 tsp Apple cider vinegar

Pinch Salt

Pinch Pepper


  1. For the first time you make the recipe, start with 1 cup of coleslaw mix. When you make the recipe again in the future, you may be able to add ¼ – ½ cup, and still feel there is enough dressing to give it flavor.
  2. Add the rest of ingredients, and mix well.

Makes 1 serving

Nutritional analysis is for 1 cup coleslaw mix (undressed shredded cabbage). Each ¼ cup of the cabbage adds roughly 3 calories. What a nutritional bargain!

Here’s a look at Tricia’s latest release: Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, and Healthy Habits that Pay Off 

Want to lose weight, gain energy, increase productivity, and live a longer, healthier life?

As an expert in nutrition, wellness coaching, and fitness, Tricia Silverman shares countless tips in this book. These tips are investments that yield the results—or wellness dividends—you desire.

Wondering how to start eating healthy, or how to lose weight?

Learn the nuts and bolts of the NuTricia’s Way of Eating. Use Tricia’s Nutrition Staircase to learn the steps you can take on your journey toward optimal health. Learn easy ways to figure out how many calories and protein grams you need. Learn why the Keto and Paleo diets may be shortening your lifespan, and even setting the stage for cancer, heart disease, and more!

Hoping to live a long, flourishing life?

Explore Tricia’s 10 Tips for Longevity! She’ll reveal what she’s learned from teaching Healthy Aging at Northeastern University, visiting areas of longevity, and leading the Active Aging Nutrition Certification across the US for the SCW Fitness Education Company. Read about Elizabeth, who lost almost one hundred pounds and saved thousands on copays for medications and healthcare services she no longer needs!

Tricia Silverman, RD, MBA, is a registered dietitian, fitness instructor, and wellness coach. She is the author of the award-winning Amazon international bestseller Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, and Healthy Habits that Pay Off.

Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tricia.silverman

Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triciasilverman/

Connect with me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriciaSilverman?lang=en

Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tricia-silverman-rd-ldn-mba-b8757811

Tricia Silverman, RD, LDN, MBA
Registered Dietitian, Fitness Instructor, Wellness Coach, and Virtual Speaker


Author of Amazon Bestseller Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement and Healthy Habits that Pay Off;  E-Book, only 99 cents, available on Amazon. Print book available on Amazon, too https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Dividends-Investments-Nutrition-Movement-ebook/dp/B07ZQMYSJ9

Author & Full Course Creator: SCW Fitness Education Active Aging Nutrition National Certification
SCW Female Presenter of the Year Florida Fitness Convention 2018
SCW Fitness Boston Idol Winner 2016
Speaker and Presenter: National SCW Events in California, Florida, Dallas, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington D.C.; CanFitPro, Toronto; International Council on Active Aging, Florida
Employee Wellness and Senior/Active Aging Wellness Provider
Faculty Lead, and Nutrition Entrepreneurship and Healthy Aging Instructor at Northeastern University