Sports Junkies Rejoice! with ESPN Founder Bill Rasmussen


ESPN founder talks about his opinion of ESPN as it is now

Part 3 of a 3 part article series

Bill Rasmussen ESPN Founder

In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s ESPN quietly advanced, eventually taking on “the big three” channels, ABC, NBC and CBS in the area of sports news and sports entertainment. Back before 24-hour cable and theme-specific channels ESPN, in the minds of many in the entertainment business, would die and fade away. But, that’s not quite how it happened.

Founder of ESPN, Bill Rasmussen shares his reflections, insights, opinions and ideas about ESPN then and now with Reader’s Entertainment radio host Sheila Clover English in New York City at Book Expo America. There to promote his book; Sports Junkies Rejoice! The Birth of ESPN, Rasmussen talks about how he wrote the book, and we get a glimpse of some of the interesting and inspiring stories he has to tell.

In this final installment of a three part interview series Bill openly shares his stories and inspires us.

From his website: Bill’s Bio- Bill Rasmussen continues to be a popular guest on the speaking circuit, with recent engagements at Princeton University, the University of Florida, and The Center for Sports Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. Rasmussen delivered the keynote address at the Entrepreneurship Center at the 2010 CEO Forum at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, IN and he spoke at the 2010 Maastricht Institute of Entrepreneurship, which is held on the campus of Missouri Valley College. He is a frequent guest on radio, television and the pitcher’s mound.

Sports Junkies Rejoice by Bill Rasmussen

Dubbed a serial entrepreneur, Rasmussen continues to change the way sports news and information is delivered to fans worldwide, just as his earlier creation, ESPN, changed the way people watched television.