eBooks May Not Increase Readership


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH


Although the sale of eBooks and eReaders exploded over the last few years, and they have seen a steady increase in sales, they may not increase readership as many in publishing had hoped. According to new report conducted by Forrester Research and Digital Book World, eReading has not gained new readers, and publishers expectations are dwindling. Here’s is what they discovered in their report from eBookNewser:

“The report interviewed publishers who represent 74% of all U.S. publishing revenues. When asked if readers will be better off, only 61% of respondents said that they will be, down from 74% in the 2010 study. When asked if ‘more people will read books then did before’, in 2011, only 60% thought so, down from 66% in 2010. And when asked if readers would read more books than before only 47% of respondents agreed, down from 66% in 2010.”

James McQuivey shared the full report at the Digital Book World Conference earlier this week.