image1Sheltering in with Kristina Rienzi

Tell us, briefly, what your quarantine is like, what you’re doing.

What a wild time in history we’re living, friends! Never, in all my far-out-authorly-dreams did I ever imagine a pandemic happening in my lifetime, let alone being quarantined. Yet, here we all are…in this together…trying to survive, and hoping to thrive.

My quarantine experience has been equal parts stress and gratitude. I’m only human, so experiencing some level of stress and anxiety, just like the rest of the world, is normal. Yet, I refuse to allow negativity to get the best of me.

At times, though, I can’t help but get sucked into a negative loop of overeating, watching/reading an overabundance of COVID news, working 24/7, or getting caught up in the “what if” scenarios in my mind that I used to seek for storylines.

My storyline is the reality I’m living and that’s the scariest part of all.

Nevertheless, every time I feel that negativity coming on, I acknowledge it, feel it, and then I let it go. I think of something I’m truly grateful for: My health. My family. My life. They’re everything to me right now.

As a coach with a psychology background, I know better. On paper, I have all the tools, knowledge, resources, and coping skills to handle stressful times for myself, and to help others. However, quarantine life is a new experience I’m navigating for the first time just like everyone else.

To keep me on a positive and healthy track, I’ve turned to education. I’m taking classes and, notably, joined The Happiness Studies Academy Certification Program  (CiHS) to learn more about the science behind well-being. It’s an interdisciplinary study of happiness created by a Harvard professor in conjunction with my coaching school iPEC. I need this distraction desperately right now and, more so, I hope I can use all I learn to help others.

Quarantining, for me, is about learning to cope with stress and anxiety when life circumstances are outside of your control, being present in the moment with my family, being there for others who need some hope and positivity, and ultimately growing into a stronger and wiser version of myself.

We’d like to know one of the best things about quarantine and one of the worst.

Easily the best thing about quarantine is getting to spend so much time with my husband and my 8-month-old daughter. Every day is new for her – she’s learning to crawl, talk, stand, and soon…walk! I will not miss a beat because I’m here with her every single day. It’s a blessing!

The worst part of all this is the social distancing. I miss spending time (in person) with my dad, my friends, and my family. I’d love to hug them all at once!

How are you doing business? 

Business is being done but I’m doing less writing than I’d like. Instead, I’m focusing on key components to stay relevant. Calls with author friends and business associates, my writing support system. Author group virtual meetings. Reader newsletter interaction. And re-evaluating my strategies to be sure I’m spending my time on what’s most important to me. I’ve been off social media since late February for Lent, so I’m anxious to get back on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with everyone on Easter.

How are you staying entertained?

Netflix! I’ve binge watched almost every limited series and Netflix Original movie. It’s a great distraction. I’m also taking classes online, using Headspace (meditation app), listening to self-help audiobooks, reading whatever strikes me on my kindle, and video chatting with anyone who wants to talk! As a workaholic, there isn’t enough time to do all I want to do while I’m home, so I do a little bit of each thing I love every single day.

Is there anything you’d recommend people do, see or read?

image0Essential oils! Diffuse them. Wear them. Smell them. They help!

YES! It’s already all over the Internet, but Tiger King is a must-see on Netflix! It has a little mystery, mayhem, and murder. Who doesn’t like that???

In terms of wellness, I’m taking a free 10-week class on Coursera offered by Yale called The Science of Well Being. I highly recommend it! It’s an interesting data-driven look at what truly makes us happy. The truth will surprise you!

Books? I recommend them all! Read whatever pulls you. Be it fiction, non-fiction, self-help, it doesn’t matter. Get lost in a book. Escape the real world horror and dive into another world where anything is possible. If you’re looking for a FREE read this month, check out my New Adult Domestic Thriller LURING SHADOWS.

Or some inspirational something you’d like to say?

I have so many inspirational things to say! I’m all about inspiration, but I’ll keep it simple today.

No matter how bad things get, remember that this situation is temporary. It will pass. You will persevere. Life will, eventually, go back to normal – even if a new normal. Use this time to focus on the GOOD in your life. No matter how small it may be. There is good. I promise you! I also promise that you will learn from this. You will grow. You will be a stronger and wiser version of yourself. And the world will be a better place with that version of you in it.

Luring Shadows – FREE in April!

Shadows-Vellum-ecover-360x570Shadows Haunt
On the fifth anniversary of her sister Caitlyn’s unsolved murder, Rayna Jennings is far from having closure. Dark memories of Caitlyn’s death live in the shadows at Happy Endings Resort. The nightmare still haunts Rayna; the images in her mind more vivid than ever.

Shadows Taunt
When gruesome reminders begin to resurface, taunting Rayna, her grief surfaces anew. Worse, an unknown killer has cast her as the next victim. Despite her will to survive, the shadows of Happy Endings Resort have their own plan in mind.

Shadows Kill
A stranger is luring Rayna into the dark shadows of the resort, and her mind. She must race to stop the killer before it’s too late and she joins Caitlyn, becoming another one of the…LURING SHADOWS

About Kristina Rienzi
Kristina Rienzi is a Jersey Shore-based new adult thriller author, certified professional coach, and the former president of Sisters in Crime-Central Jersey. An INFJ who dreams beyond big, Kristina encourages others (and herself) to embrace the unknown through her stories. When she’s not writing or drinking wine, Kristina is spoiling her baby girl, watching Lifetime and Hallmark, singing (and dancing) to Yacht Rock Radio, or rooting for the WVU Mountaineers. She believes in all things paranormal, a closet full of designer bags, the Law of Attraction, aliens, angels, and the value of a graduate degree in psychology. Her debut audiobook, Among Us was featured on Audible’s ACX University and is an Audible Editors Select pick. 

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