Cindy Walker, Mr. Romance Contest Coordinator, and No More Mr. Romance


As much as I hate to see it end, we all know nothing lasts forever.  So, it was inevitable the Mr. Romance contest would come to an end.  Jo Carol dreaded making that phone call because she was afraid of what my reaction would be.  But I think she was pretty amazed, possibly a little speechless, and silently breathed a huge sigh of relief when did I respond to the news.  I didn’t cry, scream, yell, or anything of the sort.  Rather, I accepted it calmly and, I hope, graciously.  She told me this year’s show was such a success the powers that be decided to end things on a very high note and go out with a bang instead of a fizzle.  I understand where they are coming from, and I agree.  If it must come to an end, I’d rather it be on the high road.

My philosophy is this – everything happens for a reason.  The good Lord knew I wouldn’t walk away from this because I loved doing it so much.  But He has other plans for me.  Since I didn’t have the strength to close that door, He closed it for me so another one could be opened – one that will bring me closer to achieving my dream of becoming a director.  Now whether I’m smart enough to see it or brave enough to step through it when it does open is another story.

I could not have done any of this nor would the shows have been so successful had it not been for the help of some truly amazing people – Bethany, Brooke, Tamara, Evan, Patti, Beth, Mark, Ron, Heather, Rich, Lance, Dayna, Sheila, Annette, Joanne – the list goes on and on.  If I’ve overlooked you, please know that I am thankful and appreciative of what each of you gave up to help me throughout the years. I am honored to have worked with you.  You’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with, and I surrounded myself with some of the best!

My sincere and heartfelt thanks goes to Kathryn, Ken, Carol, and most of all, Jo Carol for the absolute trust, faith, and belief they had in me – especially since I had none in myself.  The opportunities given to me were invaluable, and I am truly grateful.

Fear not my friends, I am fine.  Thank you all for your thoughts and concern.  Please know that you won’t get rid of me so easily.  There may not be the traditional Mr. Romance event any more, but that only means my role with RT will change.  And, it also frees me up to make important connections (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).  Remember – the Lord moves in mysterious ways!