Dorchester Publishing has No Editors


Cincinnati, OH



In a report from Publishers Weekly, the financially embattled Dorchester Publishing officially has no editors on its staff. PW shared: The long-running saga of Dorchester’s financial troubles continued this week with the departure of editorial director Chris Keeslar, the last remaining editorial staffer at the house, on January 31. In a letter to colleagues obtained by author Brian Keene, Keeslar said he was “no longer employed by Dorchester.”

Over the last few years, many authors have been embroiled in legal battles with the publisher over royalties and money owed to them. They were delisted from the Mystery Writers of America and the Science Fiction Writes of America for their business practices.

Dorchester had moved to an all digital format in an attempt to revitalize slumping sales. It appears it is only a matter of time before the struggling publishing company meets its end.