Congresswoman Gabby Gifford’s Husband writes book


Cincinnati, OH


Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s astronaut husband, Mark Kelly has written a children’s book. Gifford, was the Arizona Congresswoman severely wounded in the shooting rampage in Tucson in January of 2011.

The book titled, Mousetronaut: A Partially True Story will be  released by Simon & Schuster in October 2012. Illustrated by C.F. Payne, the book was inspired by Kelly’s years in the space program. On a mission in 2001 he flew with 18 mice. The mice were part of an experiment in bone density and space travel. The book will feature one of those mice that turns out to be a hero during the space voyage.

After traveling in space over 5 million miles with these very small space explorers, I take great pleasure in telling their story. While astronauts get all of the credit, we are really just part of a larger (or in this case smaller) team.” Said Mark Kelly in a statement.