Reader Romance: Ideas to Find a Career in Books


Reader Romance Ideas to Find a Career in BooksIdeas to Find a Career in Books By Brooke Chaplan

If you’ve had a love affair with books since you were young, could spend hours in the library, and think there is nothing better than getting lost in a novel, a career in books could be the path for you. A love of all things library can open the door to many opportunities no matter what you may have heard previously. It’s simply a matter of knowing what is out there, and how to get started finding your way. Turn the passion of reading into a rewarding career and you won’t feel like you’re working a day in your life.

Be an Author
If you have the ability to write in addition to your love of reading, you can combine your interests to become a writer. However, don’t expect it to be easy. You will need to have an idea for a book that sets itself apart from the crowd, and you should be prepared for rejection. If you can’t break into a major publishing house, you’ll find that self-publishing is taking off. With the right marketing techniques, you could make a living all on your own writing. While you are waiting for your break, content writing is a good way to pay the bills and refine your skills.

Prepare Books for Publication
Consider going behind the scenes when it comes to publishing books or magazine articles. Take part in editing, proofreading, and polishing a manuscript until it is ready for publishing. You can also be hired to do reviews for authors. You’ll get paid to do something you love, and help others to decide if they want to read a new book or not. Become a critique partner for authors who are willing to pay you for your input on their latest projects. You will have the satisfaction of helping writers to improve their work and see the books you have faith in go out into the world.

Get a Degree in Library Science
Put your love of the library to good use and get a degree in the field. A Masters in library science will enable you to work in public libraries, school libraries, and archives for special collections. You can spend your working days using information technology to organize and preserve collections of books and pointing others in the right direction when they are searching for a particular resource. When you work in a library, you can instill the love of reading into others, beginning with special programs that are offered to the very young. Assist patrons in research or help them find an unforgettable novel.

When you have a love of books, they can take you into exciting, new worlds. Make the adventure of reading your lifetimes work as you choose a career. Not only will you be able to support yourself, you will be able to indulge yourself in your passion.

About Brooke:
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance blogger and recent graduate of the University of New Mexico. She now lives in Los Lunas where she writes and researches when she’s not outside running, hiking and biking. Contact Brooke on LinkedIn.