The listThe List.
Twenty things every girl must do before she turns twenty. . .
Body piercing
Get drunk
First kiss

But thanks to her crazy, over-protective father, Annie Roth is way behind schedule. Good thing it’s her first semester of college, because Annie is more than ready to start checking off items. . .

Fake ID
Skinny dipping
Road trip!!!

Where it gets complicated? Ryan and Chris. Best friends. Both sweet, funny, totally hot, and totally into Annie.

But there are some things on The List that Annie only wants to do with Ryan. . .

Lose it
Get Heart Broken
Fall in love


“Have a first date, a first kiss, smoke a cigarette, get a fake ID, go skinny-dipping. Have sex.”

When I opened my eyes, Ryan was staring at me. My heart raced. He was so close I could feel the heat radiating off his body. It made the blood sizzle in my veins.

“All that before you turn twenty?” he whispered. I nodded and his eyes went over my face, lingering on my lips. “How long do you have?”

My heart pounded in my ears, drowning out the ocean and the wind. Even the music from the party. “A year. I turn nineteen on September fifth.”

“Seems doable,” he said, scooting closer. “How many things have you marked off?”

“Four before tonight.” My heart pounded even faster, and I inhaled sharply. His eyes were still on my lips and it made my brain even fuzzier than the alcohol. “Now I can cross off getting drunk, and Cami says we’re going to stay out all night.”

He pulled back a fraction of an inch. “How drunk are you?”

I shook my head and blinked a few times when my temples pounded. “I don’t have anything to compare it to.”

He frowned, then his eyes went to my lips. “We can cross something else off, if you want.” 

kateAbout the Author:
Kate L. Mary is a stay-at-home mother of four and an Air Force wife. She currently resides in Oklahoma with her husband and children. You can visit her at

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